The Man Shake
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Nick just wanted to be happier so he lost 33kg!


Nick Vale, I’m 32, from Adelaide South Australia. 

For a couple of decades now, my weight has been up and down. I don’t even remember the last time I looked on the scales and saw double-digits looking back at me. During school, I was pre-diabetic, so I tried a couple different weight-loss strategies, which worked for a brief period, but then my weight ballooned again over a few years to the point of being 155kg. 

Over the course of 6 months in 2013, I lost 54kg, but put most of it back on over the following 18 months. Since then, it remained around the 135-140kg mark. A visit to the doctor in September 2020 highlighted that I was close to the 150kg mark again. I quite frequently would eat (or drink) my emotions and would have an iced coffee or energy drink to start the day.

If I got stressed, I’d always reach for a take-away menu or stop in at the bottle shop or Maccas or Hungry Jacks or KFC on the way home from work. 

It’s hard to pinpoint an exact moment when I decided I SERIOUSLY needed to do something about my weight. I know my weight had always been a sore spot with me, as it left me continually lethargic, moody, unwilling to go out, and made it hard to enjoy participating in my chosen spot of ten-pin bowling at the level that I wanted.  

One of the biggest pushes was seeing my best mate, who also struggled with his weight, beginning to shed his excess weight and noticing the massive improvements in him. I decided that I wanted those feelings and to start noticing the improvements in MY appearance, too.

I’ve been a member of various gyms (Goodlife, Anytime, Jetts) and had various different personal trainers over the years, and that’s just the exercise part of it. Diet-wise, I’ve tried sticking to the various low-calorie microwaveable pre-packaged meals like Lean Cuisine, Weight Watchers, McCain, Coles Kitchen, etc. I even tried Hypoxi sessions that are available through Goodlife Health Clubs. 

It’s hard to remember it all.


It’s important to me to lose weight so I can begin to enjoy my days again and to regain some confidence in myself. I want to be able to go shopping for new outfits in any store; not necessarily having to go to the stores or specific area that cater for bigger blokes. 

I want to be able to compete in sporting competitions without being absolutely exhausted before I’ve even finished. Overall, I just want to be a happier person and to improve my quality of life. 

I visited an acquaintance at his work in September and noticed that he’d lost some weight. Upon asking him how he’d accomplished it, he mentioned The Man Shake and that it was working really well for him. 

Knowing that he was an introverted gamer outside of work hours meant that he’d come across something that meant he didn’t have to spend hours in a gym daily or follow some overly strict routine. This made The Man Shake seem more appealing to me so I just did some research prior to making the decision of getting started with The Man Shake. 

To date I have lost 33kg using The Man Shake.

The biggest differences are definitely my energy levels and how I feel about myself most days. I feel so much better about myself on a daily basis, and others have commented about how much happier I am. I haven’t had the opportunity to go shopping for new outfits yet, but when I do, I’m seriously looking forward to it!

I think my biggest roadblock was time. Having (or making) the time to sit down and figure everything out. 

With how easy The Man Shake is to prepare, now I make a few days’ worths at once (6 shakes) and keep them in the fridge and grab them for whatever meal I’m replacing. If I know I’ve got a family event, or going out with friends for a meal, I can easily change my day around so that I’m not missing out on anything. It’s so much easier to do meal planning and all the things that aid a successful lifestyle change.

I’ve never been one to spend time at home in the mornings before work and have a sit-down breakfast. 20 minutes after waking up, I’m walking out the door. The ease with which The Man Shake has assimilated into my daily life has been amazing. 

I make them the night before and stick them in the fridge, then I just grab it from the fridge in the morning on my way out and have it on my way to work. 3 nights a week, I don’t get home until late, so it’s very easy to take what I need to work and have my dinner shake after work between commitments. 

I’d recommend them just based on how easy they are to prepare! The flavours are wonderful (particularly Coffee and Choc Mint) and they’re the first shakes I’ve been able to easily stomach with just water! No milk needed!

I will continue with the shakes, especially for breakfast, even when I reach my goal weight. They make it so much easier and time-fitting to get that first meal of the day completed. Having the Super Greens in my breakfast shake also gives me peace of mind knowing that I’m getting my recommended daily intake of vegetables straight away to help me power through the day ahead.

The sooner you start, the sooner you can enjoy the benefits of The Man Shake. 

I’ve tried so many things over the years, and this is the first one I’ve stuck to for longer than 5 minutes. That is purely due to how easy it is, and how supportive the group of men are from The Man Shakers FB group. 

Just know that this isn’t a diet – it’s a lifestyle change, and the results of weight loss aren’t always reflected on the scales. They can show in the looseness of the clothes that you wear; the improvements in your mood; and the quality of your sleep. 