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How To Keep Your Weight Loss Journey On Track While Cruising

Weight loss


While travelling, we tend to put our diet on the back burner by feasting on the unhealthier foods we wouldn’t usually touch at home.

Long cruises can be particularly tricky for blokes on a weight loss journey, as you're surrounded by big buffets. Likewise, most of the people around you are pigging out, making it even easier for you to slip up.

That said, we’ve got some tips that we know will stop you from going overboard at the dinner table.

Stay Active

You know what many cruise ships have these days? Gyms! These facilities are equipped with exercise machines like treadmills, elliptical machines and stationary bikes. Take advantage of the facilities and try to get moving every day. You can also walk around the deck for some exercise with a view.

Mindful Drinking

We all tend to drink alcohol more on a holiday, especially on a relaxing trip like a cruise, but the empty calories can hinder your hard work. If you’re going to hit the terps, opt for low-calorie beverages like light beer or the many healthier options discussed on this list

Dine Wisely

You are certainly spoilt for choice in terms of what kind of cuisine you’re after on a cruise. The all-you-can-eat buffet is enough to entice anyone but it’s one of the easiest ways to overeat. Try to stick to the main dining room where the portions are fixed, choose meals that align with your current diet plan, and avoid unnecessary snacking.

Remember To Enjoy Yourself

Your waistline isn’t going to take notice of a cheat meal here and there! You’re on holiday, have some fun and live a little, but don’t let two weeks of cruising become two weeks of lost progress.