Glenn Lost 40kg In 6 Months

Hi all, my name is Glenn, I am 55 and have lost 40kg in six months thanks to The Man Shake. I am now able to share with the world how I got my life back!
With 22 years in the Australian Defence Force, I can say confidently that I never had a problem with my weight. Throughout my service, I would stay around the 90kg mark. But once I finalised my time and left, things began to change. I started putting weight on and I was oblivious to it.
In early January 2024, I went to my doctor for my routine check-up, blood work and tests (something I would do annually). The results came back…
The scales read 134kg.
The tests said high blood pressure.
In eight years I had put on close to 50kg!
At that moment my thoughts were clear. Enough is enough. If I kept going the way I was, there was a good chance I would not be around to support my family later in life.
This is where The Man Shake came in. I ordered the Buy 3 Get 1 Free bundle and began making changes.
During my weight loss journey, I would have two shakes per day (for breakfast and lunch) and two snacks throughout the day (normally a Man Bar and a piece of fruit). For dinner, I would have a well-balanced and small-portioned healthy meal with my family.
My favourite flavours of The Man Shake are Honeycomb Choc Crunch, Choc Mint, and good old Vanilla because they mix great with any flavour. The shakes taste fantastic!
Six months down the track and 40kg lighter, I have so much energy, exercise every day and just generally feel fantastic!
When I started with The Man Shake, I was honestly sceptical. I thought to myself, "This can’t possibly work”. How wrong was I!
If you are looking to change your lifestyle, or just drop a few kilos, give The Man Shake a go, you will not be disappointed!